Tuesday, August 9, 2011

megan fox photos 2011

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  • Megan Fox 2011 Golden Globe Awards Red Carpet

  • snathan
    08-20 10:31 PM
    ^^^Not sure about the credibility of this news since its from TOI, but SRK seems to have bitten off a little more than he could chew! Rest assured, he will get his publicity one way or the other. :D

    SRK also equally crap to talk about...so lets give this thread rest to peace..

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  • Megan Fox 2011 look back for

  • gc28262
    01-16 09:47 AM
    I have no problem with any individual but I hate my ex employer and their class ( in no uncertain terms ). I was earning for them , but he and his wife used to behave like big boss to me.Why I shed no tears for them. They think themselves as Ambani but will not hire few good marketing folks who can bring projects from direct clients. There business model is like the following example ( joke ). A bihari gone to punjab and started working for sardarji for food and shelter.While he asked the sardarji for food , he said go that building eat as much you want and take this tifin box and pack some food for me too. Just tell them that I have sent you . After some time Bihari came to know that it was Gurudwara and food was lunger. I consider these body shop no different then that Sardarji. Opening a co ( body shop ) requires phone and outlook. WOW. The h1b rules allow a space for them. With this new rule , they are gone for good. Let me make it very clear , I hate body shopper . It is mere chance that they are from particular state. I fully sympathize with all H1B holder and again let me insist all deserving H1b people will be better off with this memo. Let me quote a line from Ghalib " Jis diye me tel honge , rah jayenge bus wohi ".
    Let me enjoy on potential demise of Body shopper including my ex employer. I am ready

    If you were with an employer (consulting or not) for a long time that you regret now, you have yourself to blame. It is on ourselves to get out of disadvantageous situations. There are enough laws already to get rid of such long term contracts especially for H1B candidates. However many of us don't do that. In the end we stereotype entire set of companies based on our experience with a single company.

    Blind men and an elephant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant)

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  • Megan Fox 2011 look back for

  • Keeme
    04-01 04:20 PM
    I remeber how brutal Imran used to be to Indian openers with his deadly in-swinger. Those were days of good cricket ... a classy cricket. Outside cricket Imran still commands respect for being honorable and honest person.

    On other hand our Azhar is one of those who will sell his own mother for money. A disgrace to cricket world. Comparing him to Imran is like comparing Lion in Jungle to a Hyenna ( no disrespect to reading Hyenna).

    Few years back bunch of cricketers originating from AP here in MI sponsored him and his wife to visit here. I was invited by come and shake hand and photograph with this bookie and his beautiful wife. Majority of people having self-respect politely rejected the invitation. Now I hear he is trying to become bookie in New Delhi. Good Luck!

    Well said !

    He has mistrusted us. I do remember throwing his wiket by giving simple catch on mid-on/off and getting run out others ! When CBI raided his home, they found 3 -4 crore of watches in his jwell box. Wonder how much money he might have made with working top bookies ? He/Sanjay Dutt and other like them know that it might come back anytime so they are getting prepared politically.


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  • Megan Fox 2011 look back for

  • dhirajs98
    08-28 09:00 AM
    Our frustration with the US legal immigration and retrogression seems endless. My wife and I are considering immigration prospects to Canada. Can somebody please suggest good responsive lawfirms that could handle a Canadian PR application? We would also appreciate some insight on Canadian immigration prospects for physicians. Thanks

    I did on my own. Its a time taking process but you can do it on your own. But if you can spend couple of thousand dollars for convenience then there are alot of law firms availble on internet. Just type in canada immigration lawfirm. You will find what you need.

    Good Luck!


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  • Megan Fox 2011 look back for

  • mirage
    04-16 12:42 PM
    Ultimately everything boils down to corruption. Huge money is going down in the pockets of big media houses, it is so damn obvious...Hindustan times, IBN & NDTV carried pictures of Priyanka Gandhi's children for 3 days on the front page, I never saw pictures or anything on Chandrababu Naidu, Yedirappa, Badal, Gehlot, Shivraj Chauhan or for that reason anybody....these kids are more important than our grassroot leaders ? The family is talking about "Rahul kee Shaadee" and the whole media is printing that, nobody's asking them where were you and what you did in last 5 years ???

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  • Megan Fox 2011 face for

  • rajeev_74
    09-24 07:04 AM
    for people who own or will buy homes ? We could also say that this can come from recapture but only for already or potential home owners...

    It could be part of the Bail out package...


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  • Megan Fox 2011 face for

  • leoindiano
    08-16 06:06 PM

    why are you behind balls? Someday, if someone reads these posts, one may think, SRK was frisked to see if he really got balls.....:):o:confused:

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  • Megan Fox – 2011 Maui Film

  • kumarc123
    10-06 07:22 PM
    We should follow up on this. US Economy really can take advantage of our buying power. If they give us GC, people will start buying and stop sending their savings to off-shore. Also, buying each house comes with at least 50K other expenses (remodelling, furniture etc) and that will also help the economy.

    IV should follow up on this topic with Lawmaker and see if they can understand the logic here.

    I can't concur with you less, we need to send this message to American people, also immigrants in this country are the ones, who start maximum numbr of small businesses, more number of borrowing of laons from banks etc

    Lets make something happen,


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  • Megan Fox was seen out and

  • apnair2002
    04-29 09:26 AM
    04/29/2007: Elimination of Substitution of Aliens for the Certified Labor Certification Applications
    As we stated earlier, the OMB had 90 days to make a decision on this DOL Final Rule. It was submitted on 01/26/2007 and the OMB cleared on 04/27/2007, just immediately prior to expiration of 90 days.
    This final rule will not go into effect until it is published by the DOL in the federal register. Record reflects that this final rule will not be published in the federal register, Monday, 04/30/2007. We have yet to see what changes to the proposed version of the rule the DOL made in the final rule. However, it is certain that this rule will not go into effect on Monday, 04/30/2007, and there may still be some actions the employers can make before it is published in the federal register.
    Pending Labor Certification Cases: PERM rule does not allow any amendments and no substitution of alien beneficiary available until the PERM application is certified. By the time PERM is approved, it may be too late to initiate the substitution. However, the cases which are pending at the BECs are different. The beneficiaries can be substituted inasmuch as the job order and the BEC supervised recruitment has yet to be initiated. At this time, the amendment of the BEC application does not require a paper request and e-mail or even phone call request followed by fax will work to substitute the alien. Under the final rule which will go into effect soon, the labor certification applications at the stage of DOL can survive only if the substitution has been approved at the time of release of the final rule. Accordingly, the employers can contact the BECs tomorrow, Monday, to amend the pending ETA 705 and alien beneficiary over the phone, via e-mail, followed by the phone calls and fax or straightforwardedly via fax. CAVEAT: If substitution is denied and original beneficiary ETA 750 is denied for the reason that there is no beneficiary, the employer can lose everything!!
    Certified Labor Certification Cases: These cases will not be able to survive unless the I-140 petition is quickly filed on Monday substituting the alien beneficiary. The earliest filing date will be "Tuesday" since overnight delivery has to reach the Service Centers. Still worth trying. Once it is "filed," it will be safe. There remain a host of issues which will have to be resolved by the USCIS as to the consequences of the denial of these substitution I-140 petitions on issues other than alien beneficiaries qualifications such as the employer's financial ability to pay the proffered wage, etc. Obviously, the denial becomes a "final" action, the cases on appeal to the AAO will continue to remain outside the parameter of the elimination rule. Another question is the effect of motion to reopen of denial of substitution I-140 petitions. There is some chance that the USCIS may decide that once the motion is granted and I-140 petition is approved, the DOL's final rule of elimination of substitution will not affect the case. What if the employer refiles the substitution I-140 petitions? The chances of these cases will remail slim or nil. Since it will be considred a "new" filing of substitution I-140 petition, the USCIS may rule that such filing will be subject to the DOL's substitution elimination final rule. There will be other issues which fall under the jurisdiction of the USCIS rather than DOL as related to the interpretation of the substitution I-140 petitions. The USCIS is scheduled to initiate this rule making process sooner or later. Please stay tuned.
    Impact on the Retention of Priority Date: The rule of retention of priority date is governed not by the DOL but by the USCIS. Under the USCIS rule, the priority date of the labor certification application is not retained until I-140 petition is "approved." Accordingly, if the decision of the denial of the substitution I-140 becomes final on appeal, the substituting alien will not be able to retain the priority. Neither the original beneficiary can retain the priority date unless the alien beneficiary substition I-140 petition was filed after the I-140 had been approved for the original beneficiary.
    Impact on the 7th-Year H-1B Extension: Until the substitution I-140 is denied and becomes final on appeal, the substitutiing alien will be able to continuously extend the H-1B status in one-year increment, but the substituted alien will not be able to extend the 7th-year H-1B status based on the substituted labor certification application. Once the decision of denial becomes final, the substituting alien will not be able to extend the H-1B status after that time, but the validity of the approved 7th-year H-1B status will remain valid until the expiration date.
    Impact on the 245(i) Benefits: Grandfathering of the 245(i) benefits cannot be transferred to other aliens and substituting aliens cannot take over the 245(i) benefits unless the substitution was filed before April 30, 2001. Once the grandfathering is attached, it remains valid unless "not approveable at the time of labor certification application filing" is found. Accordingly, the denial of substitution I-140 petition on behalf of the substituting alien will have no affect on the original beneficiary's retention of the 245(i) benefits.
    Well, let's wait and see the text of the soon-to-be published final rule.

    hair Megan Fox 2011 look back for megan fox photos 2011. The real reason Megan Fox left
  • The real reason Megan Fox left

  • snathan
    01-22 04:06 PM
    No need to regret. There are plenty of opportunities in India for right people. Salary is on par with USA.

    Then please pack your bags and leave the country in the next flight.


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  • Megan Fox turns 25 in 2011

  • diptam
    07-04 12:07 AM
    Agreed !!

    These days i'm driving back from work instead of taking the Train/subway because my client location changed and i built this habit of listening to
    Talk radio by guys like Howie Carr , Michael Savage etc.. ( WRKO 680 at Boston) and they really influence Public decision....

    They were beating the s*** out of Bush, Ted kennedy because of CIR ( atleast verbally ) and calls after calls were coming from local american Public...

    But our story may not be very interesting for Locals - so talk radio probably won't take it up as a Topic ???

    Yeah seriously. Do you know that a lot of talk shows and their hosts have played a significant role in pulling CIR down? If they can do it, we can do it too. Go ahead and digg the stories

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  • Macaca
    06-27 08:56 AM
    At the beginning of each month, the Visa Office receives a report from each immigrant visa processing post listing totals of documentarily qualified immigrant visa applicants in categories subject to numerical limitation.
    Cases are grouped by foreign state chargeability/preference/priority date. No names are reported. During the first week of each month, this documentarily qualified demand is tabulated.

    VO subdivides the annual preference and foreign state limitations which are specified by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) into twelve monthly allotments. The totals of documentarily qualified applicants reported to VO, and the expected INS demand for numbers, are compared each month with the numbers available for the next regular allotment. This allows for the determination of the monthly cut-off dates, and the allotment of numbers for reported applicants who have priority dates within the newly established cut-off dates.

    If there are sufficient numbers in a particular category to satisfy all reported documentarily qualified demand, the category is considered "current."

    From this it is very clear that the number of Visas available for the rest of the FY 07 is enough to accept as many applications as can be approved in those 3 months(July, Aug and Sep).

    According to Ombudsmn report a documentarily qualified applicant is an applicant with approved I-485. The ombudsman report is a must read; most of the threads will not pop up if everyone reads them.

    The report also says USCIS can not predict these numbers accurately. That is why 10K GCs were wasted last year and 40K were exepected to be wasted this year. They moved PD to avoid the waste.

    USCIS knows the exact # of approved 485's before dates moved for June. So they know exactly when 2007 GCs will get exhausted by earlier approved ones, if at all they will get exhausted.

    I think they will retrogress dates after using 2008 quota. That is dates will retrogress in Nov/Dec.

    We can do some more analysis based on PD for june (which I don't know). What is the date set for June submissions? Thanks!


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  • (photos via). Megan

  • alterego
    12-21 05:18 PM

    I agree that it is not going to be easy - but I don't see any other way.

    It is easy to throw numbers - 200K, 500K waiting, 750K apps received etc. etc., but unless there is evidence to back it up, these numbers mean nothing. What is our answer to a Senator who asks how many people are waiting in line Eb category? And what is the source of that data?

    How else can we estimate how much money we are paying every year in taxes and contributing to the growth of the economy? Or, how many really intend to buy a house on receipt of the Green Card?

    Perhaps we can think of some other strategy to arrive at some concrete numbers - but I sincerely don't think a database of anonymous unverifiable members is of much use. By the way, when I said verifiable, I meant that if a representative from a senators office were to randomly call a number from the database, he would find a legal immigrant at the other end who is trying to find his way through this process.

    I like the idea of a temporary green card - there has been talk about it in the forums in the past. We could also consider pitching the idea of "expedited/early evaluation/adjudication", of the I-485, for a fee. The main point could be:
    - For a fee, you will know for sure whether all your paperwork/interview work is complete, the case has been adjudicated, and your application is waiting only for a visa umber.
    - Once the case is adjudicated - the USCIS sends you a letter that it is complete. Now can do almost anything with your EAD/AP - work for any employer, any field, any state, study, start a business etc.

    The USCIS can define the criteria for accepting cases for early evaluation, such as:
    - PD older than 3 years
    - Buying a house etc.
    - Attempting to start a business, changing job, going back to school to enhance skills etc.

    Any other thoughts, any one?

    In my view that sets the bar too low for us. You can never get any certainty with an EAD/AP, with a green card one is considered a "probationary American". With this sort of request, there will be a "probationary period to probationary citizenship".
    At this juncture, if you are in a secure job and can hold that job, especially if other jobs depend on yours, and feel secure enough to buy a home in this country, you are a tremendous asset to this country at this time.......period.
    The skills, savings mentality, strong family values, capital and international contacts that we possess are a net plus to this country.
    I have not come to this country to beg for anything, I have come to benefit myself while benefiting America. There are synergies here for us and any fair minded person will see this. Only narrow minded people who have a zero sum mindset eg Lou Dobbs can't see this. If an EB5 investor, a spouse of a citizen, and other categories can get a green card right away, why would a similar option not be afforded someone who will in a substantially tangible way benefit the economy near and long term. The American public will embrace this if presented to them in the appropriate way.

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  • chintu25
    09-24 10:16 AM
    Emailed All

    :rolleyes: Whatever works :rolleyes:

    matt_kelly@specter.senate.gov, <lisa_owings@specter.senate.gov BOUNCED


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  • Megan Fox on the 2011 Golden

  • Macaca
    01-28 09:11 AM
    This info is useful to novices for survival. Like many other postings, I had never heard about it.

    I feel the legislators are aware of these issues. These are the reasons our bill is having trouble. It is useful to be aware of them and see how we can counteract them in legislation.

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  • unseenguy
    04-01 01:55 AM
    I completely agree with you...it was Nehru who screwed up the country.

    I really feel that you are brainwashed and immatured. Although Nehru might have made some mistakes like China war, what did India really lose in that war? And how many years since then India has had to fix the problem? You should also read about Nehru's sacrifices and his movements along side Mahatma Gandhi that earned the nation its freedom.

    Now you have chosen to be a secondary citizen/ slave in america is a different matter altogether, but many back home in India are thankful they are free and independent nation.


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  • pappu
    01-24 12:16 AM
    not just 5 years,
    make it a retrogressed date for coming out of prison for such people. They will understand what retrogression is and will wait endlesslessly for their date of freedom to become current.:)
    stay in jail forever and when the date becomes current ... go back to the home country empty handed to start all over again.

    btw, everyone filing GCs from small companies need to be very careful. Some members are asking about company A or B on the forum these days. You need to directly ask the employer all these questions before joiniing them. Sometimes even after approval of 140 or even till you get the actual GC your application can be denied for GC if:
    - The company is found to be fraud/ involved in any fruad by USCS or DOL
    - the company has excess GC applications and cannot show ability to pay (company profitability per year) for all of them. Small companies typically may be involved in wrongh tax practices by hiding their actual profits. The company may have filed several GC applications and sometimes initial applications may get approved but later can be denied. IN that case USCIS can also deny all previously approved applications.
    - The company is H1B dependent. (more H1Bs . There is a percentage defined by USCIS). Ths will raise red flags in their system.
    - The applicant is related to the owner of the company. This also can be a reason for denial and red flagging of a company for all other applicants.
    - Physical location and legitimacy of the company. In the past some applicants applied through companies in Maine even though they were not working in Maine. This was to get faster LCs before the Perm process started. Sometimes such cases also raises doubts.

    Be careful with every step you take. GC application is very important and you do not want to take such risks and regret later.

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  • ramus
    07-03 08:51 PM

    Pleeeeeeeeease blog at Employment Based (EB) Skilled Immigration Applicants (http://boards.msn.com/MSNBCboards/thread.aspx?boardid=1042&threadid=314286&BoardsParam=HIPDelay=1&PostID=7628691)

    Please put details. 1 liners will not cut it!

    hairstyles Megan Fox turns 25 in 2011 megan fox photos 2011. Megan Fox – No. 4 of 2011
  • Megan Fox – No. 4 of 2011

  • gcnirvana
    07-03 02:14 PM
    If we reinstate the recent forums frame, we might get more hits to this thread. Now its hidden 3 layers deep and not many people go look for it. Just a thought.
    BTW, I've sent my experience over the July VB ordeal to all the media contacts given here and the one I had from the past.

    Go IV Go.

    06-26 01:34 PM
    Yeah well. I also heard the rumour that in the next month july bulletin USCIS is going to move the dates forward from Current to Current+2 months = September 2007. This will allow everyone to get greencards in advance and then after they get their greencards they can apply for Labor, I140 and whatever.... :)

    Please stop spreading rumours.

    07-03 04:41 PM
    Dear Senator,

    After having spent thousands of dollars in legal counsel, medical tests, documentations, affidavits and many days of hurried preparation to file adjustment of status (AOS) for my green card application, USCIS has pulled a fast one me and the legal high skilled community.

    On June 13th 2007, Department Of State indicated visa availability for all applicants starting July 1st causing thousands of prospective legal high skilled immigrants to prepare their applications only to be surprised on the very first day (July 2nd) with rejections due to apparent exhaustion of existing visas.

    This unprecented and possibly illegal action on part of USCIS, has left high skilled immigrants like myself in a limbo. We are wondering what we have done to be wronged in this way. I am a law abiding, tax paying resident contributing to the economy.

    Please help us in overcoming this situation. We definetly do not deserve such treatment for having followed the law in the land of opportunity on the eve of independence day.

    Thank You,


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